Monday, December 1, 2014

Are Twins Hurting the Economy?

Every once in a while I listen to NPR (National Public Radio) to stay updated with current world events while I clean my room. One story that appeared on NPR on November 30 peaked my interest immediately while I was listening.

Economist Mark Rosenzweig said twins are hurting the economy. He stated facts about how twins who weigh less when they are born are more likely to be less educated and make less money than non-twins. He also states twin cause more stress on families and are more expensive, especially with healthcare.

Although the part about the money and the stress is true, I don't necessarily believe that because I weighed less when I was born (4 lbs 10 oz) I will be less educated and make less money in my life. I think people make their own fate in this world. I also don't believe twins are bad for the economy and I don't think he has strong enough backing for his argument.

To read more about this click the link here. What do you think? Are twins hurting the economy?

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